Homestead Exemption Filing Deadline
The early part of the year has a number of important deadlines associated with it. One of the most important is the deadline to file for homestead exemption. The homestead exemption lowers the taxable value of properties by as much as Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) and can result in substantial savings for the homeowner.
The application deadline for the homestead exemption is March 1st. In order to qualify for the exemption the owner of a property must: (1) be a US Citizen or permanent resident of the US and Florida; and (2) own and reside in the property as of December 31, 2015. Once granted, will normally continue to be granted each year without the need to re-apply. However, there are circumstances that warrant re-applying for the exemption.
In order to apply, applicants can fill out Florida Department of Revenue DR-501 and mail it to the Property Appraiser. If you need the form just reply and I’ll send you a copy. It should be mailed to:
PROPERTY APPRAISER PO BOX 013140 Miami, FL 33101 The application can also be filed online at:
As always, please feel free to contact me at 305-567-2499 should you have any questions.